Brian Wong Wei Wen

About Me

Hello to whom is reading this, my name is Brian Wong Wei Wen, born in January 1994. Recently after Covid, I have been meaning to explore the world around me, and try new things. One of the main things that I was looking forward to learn is how to become a backend developer / fullstack developer, going to the gym, and learning how to cook.

My Career Experiences

I am a Senior Front-End Programmer for about 8 years, with many skills and talents learnt from across different companies. The most notable currently is TypeScript on an engine for Cocos where I helped develop a skeleton frame for slotgames for the brands that I worked for called Live22, EpicWin, and UUSlots. Currently the games revenue generated by these games grossed around 100 million RM(Ringgit Malaysia) or about 25++ million $. Other projects that I had worked on was an app called TheNux on the IoS store, where it had to deal with cryptocurrency exchanges between crypto wallets and creation of such wallets.

What skills do I have?

Skills Experience Examples

Front-End Lead: 3 years

I helped create a skeleton frame for both new and old programmers to efficiently create slot games in the company that I worked in. The engine for the game was used in Cocos2d, to develop webpages for the server to load. We had to handle from Front-End, I was promoted to teamlead in January of 2023, taking on the role of teaching and leading the new comers into the company. Other things that I had to handle is game creation, communication between different members of my team, aka. Game Designers, Game Artists, Sound Engineers. I had to use feedback and relay messages to other team members and make changes to the slotgames and update games when needed.

Junior Programmer : 2 Years

Worked on a project called TheNux, where you could create different e-wallets, create your own CryptoCoin, and trade with people cryptocurrency.
TheNux Website

Junior Programmer : 5 Years

Worked in college and worked on a few projects using Unity and C#.

Certified by W3Schools. Self learned and is trying to study for MySQL application with Python using VSC, or Visual Studio Code. Python Certificate
Link To Certificate

Self learning with both W3Schools, Youtube, and TutorialsTonight. Will get certified if needed. This cover page has been result of my studies.

What can I do for you?

Personality traits Examples
Hard Worker I have been given some of the hardest tasks by my seniors and bosses to do for the slot games and most if not all of the tasks were completed in time.
Responsible I have taken responsibility for my work and if there is any bugs that need to be fixed.
Self Learner I am willing to learn to get what I want, especially now, with no prior knowledge of HTML and Python, but the want to explore the world and goal to be a fullstack drives me to learn.
Quick Learner I have been thrown into multiple companies, with different cultures. Within a month for the past 2 companies, I have quickly adapted and been given privilages to associate employees.
Willing to relocate I am willing to relocate to a place near work. It has been a dream to explore the outside world.